Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reflection Blog 1 - Paragon Learning Styles

I found that the learning styles surveys where very helpful in my every day life. I was like Dr. Price knew everything about me and knew exactly why I do the strange little quirks that I do. She went into detail about why I am a list maker and also why I tend to keep my feelings inside. She explained to me that just because I am introverted and feeler does not mean that I do not have to ability to be extroverted and a thinker. That just because I am one way and not the other does not mean anything is wrong with me.
I think that knowing these things will defiantly help me in my future education and job searching. I now know what my strengths and weakness are, I could use either to my advantage in almost any senerio. I am very glad that I was assigned to go to the ThinkCenter. It is a resource available to me that I knew nothing about. I plan on keeping in touch with Dr. Price and making follow up appointments.

1 comment:

  1. Anna,

    I am glad that you see the value of Student Think Center, learning style, and how to apply the information to your future. I believe you will do well with whatever you plan to do. I truly enjoy having you in class.

    ~ Dr. Y
