Monday, February 7, 2011

Reading Assignment

“Hitting the Sweet Spot with Etsy’s Most Relevant Search”

  1. tag are the most important part of your listending
  2. the first tag determines the category
  3. title can be catchy and cute but the most important part is for it to be descriptive

“Optimizing your Etsy Shop for Search Engines”

  1. changed site so that the shop’s home page now shows at the top of the Etsy website
  2. For handmade items – "Handmade [Category] on Etsy - [Item Title] by [username]"
  3. For vintage items – "Vintage on Etsy - [Item Title] by [username]"
  4. For supplies – "Craft Supplies on Etsy - [Item Title] by [username]"

“Tags, Titles, Descriptions, and Most Relevant Search”

  1. items title should be 3 to 7 words
  2. 1 tag is the category the 2nd is the subcategory
  3. always use all 14 tags
  4. only the first 160 characters show up on Google search, so put the most important information first

“Writing for an Online Audience: How- To”

  1. when it come to headlines and titles: shorter is better, use words that pop, assign attributes and work a rhyme
  2. KISS – keep it simple and short
  3. break up text so its not just one big block of words

“piddix blog”

  1. when naming your store, 1st search and make sure there isn’t one currently open with a similar name or look
  2. don’t use numbers in your name
  3. use uppercase letters when dealing with a name that is more than 1 word
  4. don’t stress about it
  5. list often and space it out

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