Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Art of Promoting and Art of Customer Service

"Etsy Success Tips: Increasing Your Itemm Views"
1. this blog just mainly listed things on topics we discussed weeks ago.
2. however, it does say to make sure to list location, many people just shop locally.
3. this blog was a quick review of what we had already covered

"How-to: Sell Local"
1. new way of searching on etsy is by local shops
2. able to look up every etsy store in mississipi
3. join a local etsy team

"Shop Makeover Series: Google PageRank Tips for Your Etsy Shop"
1. page rank is very important to actually getting seen on google
2. best thing you can do for your store is to provide accurate descriptions of your products
3. set up your other online networkings to incorporate your etsy store, get your name out there

"Shop Together: Circles and Activity Feeds"
1. tells you it is important to add people to your circle
2. simple click to add them to your circle
3. very easy and important

"Why is Social Media Not Working for You?"
1. content it self centered
2. you dont come out and play
3. you are all strategy
4.only promoting yourself
5. you are in the wrong place
6. not engaging
7. your content is not being shared
8. your blof is not converting
9.you are focused on closing sales
10. you are not familiar with the etiquette

"Customer Care Tips: Do You Know Where Your Payment Is?
**very important

"Customer Care Tips: Sending an Invoice from Paypal
** tells who to go about sending your invoice from paypal

"customer care update: canceling etsy transaction"
1. To cancel an Etsy Transaction, you must be the seller in the transaction. If you are a buyer, please contact the seller and ask them to do this.
2. must have a legit reason to do this

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