Saturday, May 7, 2011

Final Blog for FM 438

  • what you learn from the class
I have to honestly admit that this was the most fun I have ever had in a college level class. I am happy I got to revist a passion of mine that had fallen by the wayside. Through out this class I have learned what it is really going to take to have my own future business. It has given me a real life look as to what it is going to take to devlop this future endevior. I have also learned how to perfect my own personal craft.

  • options bout class materials is vidoes, guest speaker, assignments
One of the main reasons I loved this class so much is because of all the different learning techiniques we used. We never had a dull class meeting, always watching a new video, reading a new blog, or getting to network with new people. I think going to meet this business owners downtown was my favorite aspect of the class. I love meeting new people and hearing new stories. I feel like I had connections that I could possibly used in the future.

  • what you recommend for future classes
My advise to future classes would be to stay two steps ahead from the beinging. That way if something happens and you, for some reason, need a break you have a little have some lead time. I feel that I was successful in this class was because it was something I am whole heartly interested in, this is not a class to take to get an easy A. You have to be dedicated to be successful.

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